Restart! Change Management - a concept for effective reorientation
The approach was developed and tested by us and also estimated as effective by the customers. With this approach it is possible to
- introduce new challenges
- drive forward change process and –ability
- give a share in designing the realignment
to all involved people in the department within a three-monthly timeframe.
During the Change Management we operate as coach, consultant/sparring partner, moderator and trainer according to demand.
- Stocktaking → 6-10 coaching-based orientation talk à 1,0 hours with executives and opinion leaders of the department
- Coaching-based talk/”Sparring” with the department managements
- Two-day designing workshop with the executives
Goals: The participants
- worked out together mission, vision, work goals, solutions and its realization
- agreed to a binding collaboration/networking regarding to
- The modality including the management team and employee development
- The organization including interfaces and responsibilities
- The rough planning of workshops together with all involved persons in the department
- 1,5-daily open space-workshop with all involved persons to the topic “Your specific contribution to the restructuring”
Goals: The participants
- have a standard understanding of the vision, the mission as well as the necessary goals and strategy
- worked out their specific contribution and set a deadline of the realization. The measures will be realized by themselves and no other people