Training Culture
Each seminar focuses the topic-specific skills both on the procedural level, especially working methods and techniques, and at the behavioural level, especially role clarity, behaviour, self-reflection and goal-orientation. Self-responsibility, esteem and courage to consistant action are therefore the golden threads of all the seminars.
Our approach is “Do it and try out” instead of consumerism and discussions! We know from experience that participants learn more sustainably the more they are able to experience, perceive and work out skills. Therefore, we are the founders and developers of the Coaching-Oriented Style of Training.
We basically work
- interactively wherever possible
- according to the principles of Kaizen / Continuous Improvement Process
- exclusively with situations from the working practice of the participants, and therefore
- with constant reference to the implementation and use of the developed skills on the job.
We use learning partnerships, simulations from everyday working live, reflection rounds and concise exercises. Photographic records as training minutes and manuscripts support continuous consolidation of the new learned capabilities.