Nils Jeromin, District Manager Quality Management, TOYOTA D GmbH 

“The very demanding, well-structured training supports me in my daily work with customers, colleagues, suppliers and service providers. The roles and tasks in daily interaction are complex: expert, moderator, mediator, coach, supervisor. Disney’s Balu the Bear “The bare necessities …” leads me through various creativity techniques, with which I also associate the Walt Disney strategy “Splitting perspectives instead of one-dimensional thinking” (dream, criticism, realization), via process analysis (PDCA cycle – Plan Do Check Act) to pausing (C = Check). Pause… before I can go on. Disturbances are important clues and have priority. With the number of meetings the number of decisions decreases. It is important for me to define the goal as precisely as possible at the beginning. Goals instead of (unequal) solutions. Listening instead of giving advice – working out common interests in a dialogue instead of producing an 83% loss of information in a discussion that only knows winners and losers! Ability to reflect, teamwork versus lone wolves… Only I myself can stop or decelerate the hamster wheel of our daily, hectic working world. No “Yes, but … justification ping-pong.” Doing, making, acting is done by hand and not by mouth. “Why not?” instead of “Yes, but…”!”

Nils Jeromin